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The pomalo way of life

Pomalo is a Croatian expression that encapsulates a unique perspective on life — a philosophy of embracing gradual progress and finding contentment in the journey itself.
Pomalo is a Croatian expression that encapsulates a unique perspective on life

Pomalo: The Secret Recipe for Croatian Zen Living

Difficult to explain, dangerously easy to practice.

Ever wonder why Croatians seem so chill all the time? Like, while the rest of the world is frantically Googling “how to slow down,” Croatians have this mysterious aura of calm that makes you think, “Do they even know what stress is?”

The secret sauce? A little word called “pomalo.” You’ll hear it sooner or later if you spend even five minutes in Istria. It’s a word you’ll want to tattoo on your soul. Why? Because pomalo isn’t just a word; it’s a whole vibe.

Pomalo literally means “slowly,” but ask any local, and they’ll tell you it means way more than that. It’s the standard reply to just about every question you can think of:

How’s life? Pomalo.

How’s work? Pomalo.

How’s the weather? Pomalo.

What’s for dinner? Pomalo.

Would you like another drink? Pomalo. (Okay, maybe that one’s a yes.)

Think of it as Istria’s answer to Italy’s la dolce vita. While the Italians may be living the sweet life, Croatians are living the slow life—and honestly, it’s pretty sweet too.

Life in the Pomalo Lane

Living in Croatia is like being in a constant state of pleasant surprise. You’ll quickly realize life here runs at a different speed. First off, everyone seems to have so much time. How is it possible that people can sit at a café for three hours with just one coffee?

Spoiler alert: They do it pomalo.

In fact, eating a meal here is a commitment. Lunch can turn into dinner without you even realizing it. Croatians take their time with food, because, let’s face it, who wants to rush through a delicious stew or a perfectly cooked octopus? Plus, there’s always room for one more round of drinks.

Want to make plans with your Croatian friends? Well, good luck with that. You can plan a year in advance, but don’t expect them to lock in a date just yet. “Pomalo, we’ve got time,” they’ll say with a wink. And somehow, despite their lack of planning, they’ll show up when it matters most, showering you with attention and more food than you can handle.

Pomalo: Your Weather Survival Guide

Let’s talk about the weather. Croatia’s unique winds can put even the calmest person on edge, but there’s no need to panic. When the weather gets weird, just go pomalo.

Take the bura, for example. This cold, gusty wind blows from the mountains and hits the coast at a terrifying 200 km/h. Everyone huddles indoors like it’s the end of the world. And then there’s jugo, the warm, lazy wind from the south that turns the sea into a rollercoaster.

Pomalo is not only a word. It’s a mindset, a lifestyle, and a philosophy.
The word “pomalo” is one of the most quintessential words in Istrian vocabulary. Photo Credit: Alexandra Schmidt

When the winds switch, you’ll see people get a little… well, cranky. But don’t hold it against them! Just remember to go pomalo and ride it out. As we say, “Bura will soon save the day.”

Sunshine, Fjaka, and a Side of Pomalo

After a big lunch, Croatians like to engage in the ancient art of fjaka. What’s fjaka, you ask? It’s that magical time of day when your brain goes blank, and your body refuses to do anything productive. It’s a state of mind so pure, it makes laziness look like a full-time job.

But don’t let anyone tell you fjaka is about being lazy. It’s more like listening to your body—and your body says, “Chill, we’ll get to it later.” Croatians don’t feel guilty about taking a fjaka. It’s a way of life, and once you try it, you’ll never look back. Especially if you’ve been cycling in the scorching sun all day like an overachiever.

Eating, Drinking, and Living Pomalo

You’ve heard of slow food, but have you heard of slow everything? In Croatia, the way we eat, drink, and live is all done pomalo. Food isn’t just fuel; it’s something to be savored. That’s why even fast food doesn’t stand a chance of making us rush.

And don’t get us started on drinks. Most Croatians make their own wine, rakija, and liqueurs. When they share them with friends, it’s not about getting tipsy—well, maybe a little—but more about celebrating life, one sip at a time. Pomalo means enjoying your glass, not chugging it. Savor the moment, you know?

Happiness, Sadness, and Pomalo

Here’s the thing about Croatians: We live our emotions pomalo too. Whether we’re happy or sad, it’s all about moderation. If you bump into a Croatian friend on the street and ask how they’re doing, the answer is simple:

“E, a, pomalo.”

Because in Croatia, life isn’t about being at the extremes. It’s about staying in the middle, enjoying the little things, and taking everything as it comes.

So next time you’re stressed out, take a deep breath, relax, and remember the golden rule of Istria: Pomalo.


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